torsdag den 20. september 2012

Events this weekend!

Also this weekend a lot of stuff is going on in Copenhagen!

First and foremost, DSE will give away FREE BEER in Diamanten (building 414) from 15-17. Be there! Because the beer is free!

Secondly, there is a laundromat foamparty going on in Copenhagen (Fælledvej 23 at Nørrebro, 19-22) this friday! Cheap beer will be sold, so no need to bring booze. There is going to be a party outside, too, because there is only room for about 50 people in the room!

Opvarmning. Fredag står den på Skum-fest på et møntvaskeri på Nørrebro. - Foto: PR-foto

Saturday will be celebrated in Fælledparken! It's been renewed and that is finally done! There will be music and a skate-show, that's all I know for now! More info tomorrow.


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